“Owwww! Mommy stop, it hurts!!” Yep, that would be the sound of my 4-year-old daughter screaming her head off as we go through yet another day of shampooing and combing, conditioning and combing, drying and combing and last but not least, combing and styling. Welcome to hair wash day in the Haslerig household!  Honestly, I cannot really blame her. Wash day for both her and I can be quite the ordeal because both of us have extremely thick and curly hair. Don’t get me wrong, we love our hair. But the ordeal and dramatics that come with trying to tame these manes will send even the sanest person running for the hills.

At our house, wash day must be on Sunday. As a busy, working, lawyer mom of two toddlers aged four and one, Sunday afternoon is the only time we have available to do the at least 2 hour process that is wash day. Monday through Friday we are constantly ripping and running to school, work, home, gymnastics and everything in between. I simply do not have the energy or strength to do wash day during the week.

The wash day process begins with taking down the current style in my daughter’s hair and combing it out. Following that is the old school, head over the kitchen sink, towel over the eyes, shampoo. Comb through, rinse out and repeat. Next comes the conditioner and head massage (which seems to be the only part she enjoys). Comb out. Rinse out, pat dry. Whew, I’m already tired. Next up: the bribe. “Ok Savannah, you get to watch two episodes of Peppa Pig while I comb, dry and style your hair”. After all of this, not only are my hands tired, my mind is tired and my daughter is cranky. And oh, I forgot. I still haven’t done my own hair. Here we go again.

Ohhhh but no more! Why? Because I recently came across the ultimate tool for wash day efficiency- the De-tangler Brush by Messy Curls. This brush is now my go to tool for cutting down detangling time. It is absolutely life changing for both my hair and my poor, tender headed child. The brush glides through our dry and wet hair knots like butter. No more pulling, tearing and shedding of our hair. Most importantly, no more pain and whining on wash day. Because the brush is so effective at cutting down detangling time, I can actually move my wash day to during the week which gives me more time to enjoy the weekends. As a busy mom, I am constantly trying to find ways to be more efficient in how I conduct my weekly task. The de-tangler brush from Messy Curls allows me to spend less time fighting with our hair on wash day and gives me more time to complete the 1000 other tasks I need to do but most importantly, spend more quality time with my family.

Please, please, please- do yourself a favor and make this detangler brush a part of your wash day routine. You will not regret how much time, energy and tears you save.


A happier mom